Medium twin jet airliner
Instead of using OEM Data Package, our simulators use scientifically developed proprietary flight models. B737 and A320 simulators are available with highly-detailed and fully-functional flight decks. This enables incredibly immersive MCC training in airline pilot standard at a fraction of the FSS training costs.

Active Control Loading
Active Control Loading System with FFS features in a lower-level device? Yes! Our ACL driven by high-precision top-tier electric motors is really little short of Level-D flight simulators. Functionality: dynamic forces, neutral shift, controls moving with A/P, simulated hydraulic failures up to manual reversion!

Great training credits
Our B737 and A320 EASA FNPT II MCC | FAA AATD LEVEL 4 flight simulators meet and exceed minimum certification requirements. This means a lot of training credits: MCC, MPL (Phase 2 - 80 hours!), ME, IR, JOC, SOP, ATP-CTP.