Graduate of Automatic Control and Robotics at Poznan University of Technology. His engineer's core competencies are flight simulators hardware and low level programming. He holds Glider and Private Pilot Licences.

Krzysztof Kimnes - TECHNICAL MANAGER
Chris is also a graduate of Automatic Control and Robotics at Poznan University of Technology. Responsible for all mechanical parts of the flight deck like Active Controls Loading, throttle quadrant and other myriad of tiny movable parts.

Marcin Ambroziak - SALES DIRECTOR B737 TRI/CPT
Engineer, graduate of Faculty of Power & Aeronautical Engineering at WUT with vast pilot experience from pistons, turboprops up to B737 TRI. Several managerial positions (up to NPFO & NPFT) in different airlines. Glider pilot with Gold Badge with 3 Diamonds.